Updated 12/17/07 by Andrew Still
This is a database of information and pictures of crop varieties. Some of these varieties we took with us on our trip to Europeand some are just interesting in their own right.
As an evolving database and it would love your imput. If you have pictures or information to contribute please contact us. So far all the pictures have been shot by Andrew.
You are free to reproduce, translate, and disseminate all or part of this document. It would be nice if the origional source is acknowledged and that a copy of the reprint be sent to the Seed Ambassadors Project, however not required. No copyright but the anticopyright.
May all seed, food, water, shelter and information be free to all forever.
Database organized by family
Amaryllidaceae - Onion Family |
Scallions - Allium fistulosum |
White Spear - 60 days from transplant. A fairly hardy variety that overwinters unmulched in oregon and withstood temperatures of 10 F for short periods. Tall and fast uniform growth. Good flavor with blue green leaves.

Brassicaceae - Mustard Family |
Broccoli - Brassica oleracea |
Nutribud - 4 to 8in wide primary heads with good amounts of side shoot production for al ong period of time. Found to have high levels of free glutamine, one of the building blocks of protien. Green gray color and season long good flavor. Developed by Alan Kapular from Heirloom broccoli varieties.

Cabbage - Brassica oleracea |
New Jersey Wakefield - A very tasty, pointed head, heirloom, green cabbage. Usually grown as an early, summer cabbage. Fairly common.

Lacinato (black, Tuscan, Palm tree, Nero di Tuscano)
A Unique and striking Italian variety. Has dark blue-green leaves which shoot from a central stem like a palm tree. Can grow to 3 feet or more on sturdy stems, and provides lots of frost hardy greens.

Lacinato Rainbow - A cross between Lacinato and Redbor F1. Bred by Frank Morton of Philomath Oregon for greater hardiness and overall vigor. It has a stikingly beautiful color and texture and the great flavor of Lacinato.
Pentland Brig - Extremly vogorus, tender texture and many many growth tips. English Heirloom from a cross with thousand headed kale.

Western Front - This super hardy red Russian kale mixture has survived a variety of growing conditions that killed all Scotch kales and over 90% of everything Russian or Siberian. Many leaf shapes but all are red veined. Eating Quality is very good. Up to 50% will regenerate from base of plants for up to 4 or 5 years in wild perennial plantings. Bred by Tim Peters of Peters Seed and Research, in Oregon.

Wild Garden Kales - Survived 10F lows in Eugene, Oregon 2006. The mother gene pool from which all Frank Morton's wild garden varieties of napus kales have been derived. Parent of Red Ursa and White Russian. Originated as a cross between 'Red Russian' and 'Siberian' ca. 1984. Intended for mid-July-Aug sowing, fall cropping, and successful overwintering in milder climates to produce copious leaves and "napini" of various shapes and hues.Good for spring sowing also. A genetic gold mine for farmers and gardeners who wish to select strains adaptable to their own environment.

Winter Red - A red Russian type developed by Tim Peters of Peters Seed and Research for good uniform color and cold tolerance. Tender for salads or cooking. An interspecies cross of (B. rapa, B. oleracea, and B. nigra), made by Tim Peters to test his theory of B. napus evolution. kale raab from this variety is a month ahead darker red and thinner than other napus kales. A vigorous and good red color. The oak-leaf shaped leaves of this kale are more deeply cut than some other common strains of Red Russian kale, some semi-round leaves too.

Compositaceae - Sunflower Family |
Green Forest -

Hyper Red Rumple Waved -
Magenta -
Outredgeous -
Red Sails -

Rouge De Grenoblouse

Sunset -
Winter Density -
German Sour Dock (Sauerampfer) -

Salad Brunette -

Miriah Leaf Amaranth -

Ring Of Fire Cayanne -

Antohi Romanian Sweet Pepper -
King of the North Sweet Pepper -
Black Plum -

Caro RIch -

New Zealand Pear -

Purple Calabash -

Reiho -

Siletz -

Sweet Orange II -

Yellow Ruffle -
King And Queen - A storage watermelon otherwise known as a christmas melon.Sweet pink flesh and light green skin. It will ripen in storage and will store until thanksgiving and sometimes until Christmas. Medium late maturity.