Please visit our retail seed company site to buy some of our varieties and help support the Seed Ambassadors Project and help protect the seed.
To get project updates and anouncements, sign up at the
Seed Ambassadors Google Group
Over the past four years the Seed Ambassadors Project has been largely funded out of our own pockets. Although, we have received generous help from some kind supporters. Thank you for making this project such a great success. There is always more to do. Please consider
supporting our ongoing fundraising efforts. Contact us directly at: seedambassadors(at)gmail(dot)com
Or make a donation Online:
Join the Conversation:
Read and participate in
our blog conversation.
Growers Wanted:
Be a Seed Ambassadors grower! We need novice and experienced seed savers to help with the effort, perferably local to Oregon.
International & Domestic Contacts:
We are always interested in discovering new international contacts. We would love to meet with new domestic contacts too.
Web Design & Translation help:
We would love some local web design help. Translations for our Seed Saving Zine (pdf) and website content would also be greatly helpful to the cause. Check out the translations of our original homepage.

our Dutch translator,
Nikky, Eastern European language translator, and Nick,
at Tobias Policha's Botanist's
Report from Ecuador, September 2006.
Should you be interested
in joining our small but growing band of tech helpers and/or advisors,
please drop us a line. Seedgeeks admire tech geeks, lots.
DIY (Do It Yourself)
Start up your own seed project and seed swaps(feel free to ask us for advice). Really, it's easy.
Visiting us:
Please visit us in Oregon to
swap knowlegde and seeds.
Contact Us
The Best Way:
We have recently moved to a new property of our own!!
The Seed Ambassadors Project
25079 Brush Creek Rd
Sweet Home, OR 97386
Business Phone: (541) 367-1105
We may not answer, as we are very busy and often outside farming, but please leave a message.
Please visit our retail seed company site to buy some of our varieties and help support the Seed Ambassadors Project and help protect the seed.